BTC Sunrise
The temperature during the space explosion was said to be one million times that of 100,000,000,000 degrees. I have no idea how hot such a temperature is, but I only realize that it was very hot. The Great Explosion has formed a solar system, and the sun is giving us light 94 million miles (150 million kilometers) from our planet.
If the big bang explosion created countless stars, such as the Sun, Moon, and Earth, the crypto mathematical computer number's big bang created countless cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin. Of course, we are all well known, Bitcoin was first developed by an unidentified person, Satoshi Nakamoto.
Cryptocurrency analysts used to claim that current cryptocurrencies listed in the market will be 99 percent more likely to disappear, except Bitcoin.
Since I stepped into the world of the crypto world, as I have enjoyed crypto art, the image of Bitcoin has imprinted on the shape of the Sun. It's not the Setting Sun, but the Rising Sun.