How It Expanded
For a year from Miami to Montreal, which was crossed by the beckoning of the call, I met many people and slept in many places. I dare to say that accepting the vivid breathing experiences, not the contents and knowledge of the book, as my skin and lungs have become the most valuable gift on the road.
I was growing up to know myself a little better in this crossing, which began because I couldn't resist the gesture of the call inside me, "The Journey on the Road." Just like a tree that overcame the freezing winter gets hit by spring rain and spills leaves in just a few days. The hand gesture of the call became a spring rain that enlightened me of the meaning of my nature.
I was always busy living within the confines of my life. And I've done a lot of things, and I've been doing them. I shook all of this off for a while, returned from the Montreal trip on Miami, where I had left, filled the gap of a year, and fitted myself back into everyday patterns. The wheels of my life began to turn again in a year.
After that, I spent six months in the shield of everyday life, and this time I called myself inside me and resumed the "Journey on the Road." This is how the journey from Los Angeles to New York began. Similarly, I have not planned the time of this journey (the ‘real’ Journey realized during Miami – Montreal that it is not about setting the time). I never expected it to be a Journey for three years.
Collect fragments of what I felt, experienced, and awaken during my 1-year long journey from Miami to Montreal and 3 years from Los Angeles to New York, as well as my thoughts of today, have forced me to decorate my blog site,
Another jouneyLos Angeles to New York took 3 yrs.